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- Intempus ApS
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- #Fodboldtrøjefredag 2025 - Sammen om fremtiden
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- #FodboldtrøjeFredag 2025
Intempus for the Children Cancer Foundation
In conncetion with Footballshirt Friday event, we are collecting money for a really good and worthy cause - the Childrens Cancer Foundation and all collected funds will go to children with cancer and their families.
In Intempus we have decided to make our own donation, where you have the opportunity to donate. The amount depends on what fits you. It can be DKK 20, 50, 500 or whatever makes sense to you.
It's completely up to you if you want to join in. We hope that together we can reach 5.000 DKK.
Intempus will match the overall employee contribution after it ends on Sunday the 9th of March and thereby double up the donation to the Childrens Cancer Foundation.
In Intempus we have decided to make our own donation, where you have the opportunity to donate. The amount depends on what fits you. It can be DKK 20, 50, 500 or whatever makes sense to you.
It's completely up to you if you want to join in. We hope that together we can reach 5.000 DKK.
Intempus will match the overall employee contribution after it ends on Sunday the 9th of March and thereby double up the donation to the Childrens Cancer Foundation.
Seneste aktivitet
Marie Visted Jakobsen Børnecancerfonden
Kære Intempus ApS
Tusind TAK for opbakningen i forbindelse med #FodboldtrøjeFredag og TAK for at starte en indsamling til Børnecancerfonden.
Vi ved, at flere indsamlinger stadig er i gang, og derfor tæller vi stadig sammen – selvom vi stadig tæller op, og inden alt for længe kan melde et endeligt beløb ud, så vil vi dog gerne sende jer alle sammen en stor tak for jeres indsats.
Vores håb er, at vi en dag kommer så langt med forskningen, at vi kan indfri vores vision om, at ingen børn skal dø af kræft og alle børn skal overleve til et liv uden senfølger.
TAK for at være en del af styrken for børn med kræft og for at hjælpe os tættere på målet.
De bedste hilsner
Marie, Børnecancerfonden -
Anonym gav 1.650 kr.
Louise Holt gav 150 kr.
Anonym gav 200 kr.
Anonym gav 200 kr.
Anonym gav 100 kr.
Anonym gav 200 kr.
Anonym gav 200 kr.
Anonym gav 100 kr.
Anonym gav 500 kr.
Anonym gav 100 kr.
Anonym gav 250 kr.
Anonym gav 100 kr.
Anonym gav 250 kr.